
Analytics set-up – 400-600€

Due to the interconnectivity between most of these platforms, this service is only available as a package deal. In case you really need help with setup of only one or two of these services, contact us at, we will probably figure out a way how can help. 

This code is being added to website’s header and we use it to inject other tracking codes (any of the mentioned below) to the website that are not fully supported by the website’s platform (CMS). 

This tool also helps to set up custom event tracking for Google Analytics, Facebook pixel and others – for example, contact form submissions, clicks on email addresses and others.

Set-up of e-commerce* and goal tracking (contact form submissions, specific clicks etc.), integration with Google Ads – audience definitions, conversion import, data sharing.

*Non-standard website CMS might require website’s developer input for e-commerce tracking. If your site runs on wordpress or other modern platform, it won’t be necessary because regularly updated platforms already have ecommerce data layer ready.

Account set-up, integration with Google Analytics for conversion tracking, audiences (for remarketing, for example) so the data is being collected from day 1.

Facebook pixel integration in the website for visitor tracking and conversion measurement. We will also set-up audiences for use in campaigns. We will also create lookalike audiences – audiences of people who have visited your site at all, or, specifically, added a product to cart, submitted a form or made a purchase.

Set-up of Linkedin Insights tag that will let you collect data about your website visitors on Linkedin’s ad platform for later use in remarketing or to set up audiences of similar users to those who have visited your site or completed a conversion.

Verification with Google Search Console will give you insights into how visitors find your site on Google (what keywords they use), which keywords bring the most visitors and where you can improve your SEO efforts.

Addition of Hotjar will give you visual insights into where visitors click on each page, how far they scroll down and even see session recordings.

Upon completion of all these tasks we will prepare spreadsheet with all available information from previous 15 months. We will keep this spreadsheet updated for free for existing customers. Otherwise (if you don’t use any other of our services on ongoing basis) it will be kept updated for a small monthly fee.

Campaign set-up

Initial campaign we offer to cover most bases. Usually (based on company profile) about half of these campaings are being set up.

Minimum number of campaigns for set-up project is 3, but you can choose which ones are included in set-up. Creative materials (ad images and texts/copy) are not included in set-up prices.

Campaign that display banners across the whole web on websites to people who have visited your website. 

This is a great approach to stay in sight of people who have already been interested on your company and products or services. 

With additional set-up* it’s possible to create dynamic banners that display specific products or services the specific person has viewed.

Similar to GDN campaign, this one also displays banners  to people who have visited your website – on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and other platforms/placements owned/managed by Facebook. 

This is a great approach to stay in sight of people who have already been interested on your company and products or services. 

With additional set-up* with Facebook pixel it’s possible to create dynamic banners that display specific products or services the specific person has viewed.

Created mostly with branding in mind, this kind of campaign makes sure that when people search for your specific brand, you’ll be there. It also makes use of SERP (Search Engine Results Page) real estate, making sure that your competitors will be shown further below in the results.

Secondary, it makes it harder and more expensive for your competitors to use your brand name as keywords in their campaigns.

Campaign that shows ads to people who search for products/services you offer. What better way to reach your target audience than putting an ad in front of them exactly when they are looking for something you offer?

This is a bit more expensive (cost per click), but can reap great benefits. If you know that you offer a better deal than other companies in your field, there’s no harm in showing your offer to people who search for your competitors or their products.

You can target people by their location, age, gender, parental status and (in select countries) by their income. 

Additionally, on top of demographic choices you can choose affinity groups (what they like, do they eat out, what they read online, etc.) and in-market audiences (people who are actively researching specific products/services).

With the insane amount of data Facebook has on their users, you can target people by the basic stuff like their location, age, gender, parental status, (in USA) by zip code income levels, languages and other basic stuff. 

Additionally, on top of demographic choices you can choose some wirdly specific stuff like, if they travel internationally frequently, what kind of phone they use, when birthdays of their best friends are and other (a lot of) stuff.

People who use similar products/services have similar tastes, personality traits and web browsing patterns – that is why Google Ad’s offered similar audiences is a good thing to look into. 

Not only you can target people who are similar to your website visitors, but with correctly set-up analytics you can even target those who are similar to your paying customers. These exact people will see your banner ads across the web on websites they visit.

This is not magic, but from time to time it works like a charm.

People who use similar products/services have similar tastes, personality traits and activity on Facebook and on web (which Facebook tracks through huge amount of pixels across various websites).

Not only you can target people who are similar to your website visitors, but with correctly set-up Facebook pixel you can even target those who are similar to your paying customers. 

In some cases these campaigns are some of the best performing ones.

While aiming for more likes on Facebook page is one of the stupidest goals you can have, sometimes you might feel that your page would have more of that “Social proof” if it had more likes.

In this case we can promote your page to people in specific demographics, with interests related to your business or within any other targeting options Facebook offers. Also, we can reach people who have visited your website, if you have Facebook pixel set up.

Linkedin is similar to Facebook, but it has huge advantage in targeting if you’re looking for people in specific industries, positions or even job seniorities. 

While cost per click on Linkedin can be 10x higher than on Facebook or Google, it’s well worth it if you know you’re reaching just the right people. 

Linkedin Ads also offer audiences, similar audiences and its own conversion tracking.

Available formats – display ads (similar to Facebook) & Linkedin messages (sent to targeted user’s Linkedin inbox when the user is online).

Linkedin and Facebook offer a functionality that allows you to capture user email addresses (if they consent). 

Ad formats are the same as for usual ads, but after a click on ad instead of taking a user to a website, a form opens on Facebook/Linkedin (as a pop-up in the same window) that lets user to submit his contact information.

Rarely used format, but can be very effective if targeted to people who have spent a lot of time on website researching materials and/or completing a conversion.

Increased price due to more complex set-up – contact/lead form has to be created.

In case you have an email list you can use, we can help to prepare the email campaign to send to this list. Automated email chains are also available. 

Price will be set upon defining scope of work – if email account has to be set up etc.

*Requires additional fee that is based on complexity and platform of your website.

Campaign optimization, ongoing work

After you launch campaigns, they need to be watched and optimised, so they don’t waste money and perform as best as they can. Some campaigns need it more, some less, but keeping an eye on active projects is a must. 

If after the campaign launch you’ll need help with that, here’s the pricing.

If your spend on media (what you pay to Google, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.) is below 2500€, we charge our minimum fee, which is 500€/month.

This includes campaign optimisation, reports (updated daily) and all our experience.

If your spend on media (what you pay to Google, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.) is above 2500€, we charge 20% campaign management fee.

This includes campaign optimisation, reports (updated daily) and all our experience.

Any other tasks you might require are charged at an 60€/h rate. 

This includes meetings, consultations, additional projects, everything.

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